How to Hire a Great Sales Enablement Manager

Radhika Sivadi

2 min read ·



What is Sales Enablement Anyway?

Today information flows freely and, with a few keystrokes, we have access to data and tools that were unimaginable in the past. It’s easy to research products and services without ever speaking to a sales person. This means that each opportunity that reaches our sales team is extremely valuable.

This change in buyer behavior makes it necessary to bridge the marketing and sales departments in order to help move the buyer along their purchasing journey.

There is a great need for a new cross-functional team to bridge the divide. This is Sales Enablement, and its goal is to provide relevant, accessible content that can be customized on the fly to help sales teams close more deals faster.

Example projects that a Sales Enablement team would create and maintain are:

  • Client case studies
  • Competitor comparisons
  • Marketing collateral
  • Organized client testimonials
  • Marketing videos
  • Other client-facing content

Unique Skillset

Sales Enablement is an interesting mix of responsibilities requiring a unique background and skillset. Successful Sales Enablement Managers will feel at home working with multiple departments and should thrive in a cross-functional role. Look for someone who has a successful background in marketing, sales, and employee training — an organized person who is a problem solver, creative thinker, project manager, and team leader will fit well within the Sales Enablement leadership role.

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What Else Should I Look For?

A learner. Someone who is inquisitive and open to new ideas. Sales Enablement’s primary responsibility is to make the sales team more effective. This means finding solutions that will drive sales; including tools, content, and processes.

Sales Enablement professionals are able to mold the most relevant content into strategies for sales reps to move every opportunity through the closing cycle.

Overall, Sales Enablement Managers play an integral role in fast-paced sales organizations and must be effective at making decisions based on metrics and feedback from their team.

Sales Enablement is simply about setting your team up for success, enabling them to win more deals faster, and driving more revenue to your bottom line. This is the future of business. Are you ready?

This article was syndicated from Business 2 Community: How to Hire a Great Sales Enablement Manager

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Radhika Sivadi