The Battle Between Sales and Marketing [Infographic]

Radhika Sivadi

2 min read ·


Battle Between Sales and Marketing

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Sometimes, lead conversion can feel like a brutal, dog-eat-dog process. The Starks had fewer enemies gunning for them! What gives reigning IT staffing firms the ability to nurture and manage leads better than others?

A large part depends on the success of their internal sales and marketing team. However, as the below infographic “Sales vs Marketing: The Original Game of Thrones” implies, that’s easier said than done.

The IT Staffing Sales Team

Who gets buyers to sign on the dotted line? It’s the sales team. Good sales reps don’t get comfortable and rest on their laurels, they ante up on their annual new account and revenue goals. New markets open through their force of will and clients bend the knee knowing their sales rep have their interests in mind.

But alone their reach is limited. Sales reps can only directly interact with one buyer. That limits your victories to a smaller scale.

The IT Staffing Marketing Team

Who ensures you look sharp to prospects? It’s the marketing team. Their efforts can reach hundreds of existing and prospective buyers at once. They generate content marketing that knows your CTAs and target audience, they know how to get the upper hand in different social media landscapes, and launch email campaigns that woo buyers.

Yet your marketing team only ever indirectly asks for the sale. To confirm you’re closing, you need sales reps going face-to-face and make that hard work pay off. Let’s take a deeper look.

Sales vs. Marketing: The Original Game of Thrones [#INFOGRAPHIC] - An Infographic from Pardot

Embedded from Pardot

Bringing Sales and Marketing Together

Often, the battle between sales and marketing seems best left alone if they are still getting results, but that’s shortsighted. You need to have a unified army at your disposal (which includes your team of IT staffing recruiters) instead of a nation divided. Only then will buyers be falling at your feet.

If you want inbound marketing that will perfectly partner with your army of sales reps, contact us today.

This article was syndicated from Business 2 Community: The Battle Between Sales and Marketing [Infographic]

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Radhika Sivadi